Title Bar

ram seshadri: Winter 2021, Materials 218/Chemistry 277

Time and Place: T R 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm, Remote, via Zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 836 5369 5502

Office hours: After class (T R 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm) or by appointment.


Nelson Moreno (nelsonemoreno -at - ucsb) is the reader for the course. Please email Nelson to set up appointments, if needed.

Course Outline

Printable (PDF) periodic table from NIST with electronic configurations. Please keep a printout with you.

The VESTA Crystal Structure drawing package (and more): Download and install from here. This program works on all platforms. It is required for assignments.

Suggested reference for the earlier parts of the class: Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction (4th Edn.), C. Hammond, Oxford IUCr (any edition).

International Tables for Crystallography Volume A: Space-group symmetry

Interactive periodic table with effective ionic Shannon-Prewitt) radii, hosted locally.

Database of some mineral crystal structures. The cif files that can be downloaded are directly read by VESTA.

Crystallography Open Database

PDF file of bond valence parameters including the exponential bond valence relationship, and the source cif file: CIF from CCP14

Class schedule:

Date Subject, files etc
T 1/5 Overview or Oxide Structures: PPTX and compact PDF
Th 1/7 Complete the overview with a focus on electrostatic and bond valence + Video (zipped)
T 1/12 First class on symmetry and crystallography: Notes (PDF)
Some resources: 2D Plane Groups + More 2D Plane Groups, including flow diagram + Some notes on rotoinversion and screws
Th 1/14 Complete symmetry and crystallography + Assignment 1
T 1/19 Crystal structures I: PDF
Requisite Space Group Tables: First set + Second set
Th 1/21 Complete structures I and start Crystal Structures II: PDF + Assignment 2
T 1/26 Complete structures II and start Crystal Structures III: PDF
Some resources: Pauling on crystal structures of ionic crystals + CIF file for CuO + CIF file for NbO
Th 1/28 Complete structures II and Crystal Structures III + Assignment 3
Avogadro Constant measurement from NIST: DOI
T 2/2 Non-crystalline structures PDF + Handout + Cohesion 1: PDF
CRN: Zachariasen, RCP: Duwez, Quasicrystals: Mackay + Schecthman + Jannsen + Tsai
Review describing the compositional ubiquity of the ReO3 structure.
Th 2/4 Cohesion 1 (continued) + Assignment 4 Due 2/11 except for the Madelung coding problem
T 2/9 Cohesion 2: PDF
Th 2/11 Finish Cohesion 2, discuss free electrons, and Cohesion 3: PDF + Free electron theory (from Leo Lamontagne): PDF + Assignment 5 due 2/18
T 2/16 Finish Cohesion 3
Th 2/18 Discuss d orbitals and crystal fields + TiO and MoS2: PDF + Assignment 6 due 2/25
T 2/23 Complete d orbitals, Jahn-Teller effects, and start magnetism: PDF
Th 2/23 Continue magnetism + Assignment 7 due 3/4, requires PdO.cif
T 3/2 Continue magnetism and spin-polarization
Th 3/4 Polar materials: PDF
Sun 3/7 Take-Home Final Exam (PDF)
Tue 3/9 Superconductivity: PPTX

For material from previous quarters (Ram's cummulative teaching at UCSB) please look at:

Spring 2020: Materials 286G
Winter 2020: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2019: Chemistry 2C
Winter 2019: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2018: Materials 100A
Spring 2018: Materials 286G
Winter 2018: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2017: Materials 100A
Spring 2017: Chemistry 2C
Winter 2017: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2016: Materials 286G
Winter 2016: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2015: Materials 100A
Spring 2015: Chemistry 2C
Winter 2015: Materials 218
Fall 2014: Materials 286K
Spring 2014: Materials 286G
Winter 2014: Materials 218
Fall 2013: Materials 100A
Spring 2013: Chemistry 2C
Winter 2013: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2012: Materials 286G
Winter 2012: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2011: Materials 100A
Spring 2011: Chemistry 279
Winter 2011: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2010: Materials 100A
Spring 2010: Ethics
Spring 2010: Materials 286G
Winter 2010: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2009: Chemistry 2C
Winter 2009: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Non-crystalline materials
Fall 2008: Materials 265
Spring 2008: Materials 286G
Winter 2008: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Special stuff for 200B, 2008: Class on Soft Matter & Fall 2007: Materials 100A
Spring 2007: Materials 265
Winter 2007: Materials218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2006: Materials209BL
Winter 2006: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2005: Materials286G
Spring 2005: Materials265
Winter 2005: Materials218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2004: Materials100A
Winter 2004: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Winter 2004: Chemistry 173B
Fall 2003: 100A
Fall 2003: Materials 225
Spring 2003: Materials 286C
Winter 2003: Materials/218/Chemistry 277