Title Bar

Fall 2017: Materials 100A

Time and Place: M W 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm Phelps 1425.

Dicussion Sections: F 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm and 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm, Phelps 2532.

TAs: Amanda Ruschel (alr-at-umail) and Joe Wendorf (jwendorf-at-umail)

Office hours: After class or by appointment.


Textbook: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th Edition by William D. Callister, Jr., David G. Rethwisch. This book also serves Materials 100B and Materials 100C. For 100A, we cover Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, and 21

Grading scheme: 20 % for assignments, 30 % for the midterm, and 50 % for the finals.

Midterm date: TBA

Printable (PDF) periodic table from NIST with electronic configurations. Please keep a printout with you.

Class schedule:

Date Subject, files etc
M 10/2 An introduction to Materials Science and Engineering: GaN LEDs and Thermal Barrier Coatings
W 10/4 Chapter 2: Atomic structure and bonding + Assignment 1 (return by Oct. 11)
W 10/9 Chapter 2: Atomic structure and bonding (contd.): Types of bonds (taught by Doug Fabini)
W 10/11 Chapter 2: Atomic structure and bonding (completed) and Chapter 3: Cystalline structures (taught by Doug Fabini) + Assignment 2 (return by Oct. 18)
M 10/16 Chapter 3: Cystalline structures
W 10/18 Chapter 3: The Bragg law and directions and planes + Assignment 3 (return by Oct. 25)
M 10/23 Chapter 3: Directions and planes, contd. Please read this guide (PDF)
W 10/25 Review by Joe and Amanda
M 10/30 Chapter 4: Imperfections in solids
W 11/1 Midterm 1 + Assignment 4 (return by Nov. 8) +
M 11/6 Chapter 12: Ceramic structures. defects, and glasses
W 11/8 Chapter 12: Ceramic structures. defects, and glasses (contd.) + Assignment 5 (return by Nov. 15) +
M 11/13 Chapter 14: Polymer Structure
W 11/15 Chapter 14: Polymer Structure (contd.) + Assignment 6 +
M 11/20 Midterm 2
M 11/27 Chapter 19: Thermal Properties
W 11/29 Chapter 18: Electrical Properties + Assignment 7 +
M 12/4 Chapter 18, Electrical Properties, and Chapter 21: Optical Properties
W 12/6 Finish Chapter 21: Optical Properties, and review
Study guide for the Finals
F 12/14 Take-home final, to be returned by 12/15, 5:00 pm Pacific.

For material from previous quarters, please look at:

Winter 2003: Materials/218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2003: Materials 286C
Fall 2003: Materials 225
Fall 2003: 100A
Winter 2004: Chemistry 173B
Winter 2004: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Fall 2004: Materials100A
Winter 2005: Materials218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2005: Materials265
Fall 2005: Materials286G
Winter 2006: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2006: Materials209BL
Winter 2007: Materials218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2007: Materials 265
Fall 2007: Materials 100A
Special stuff for 200B, 2008: Class on Soft Matter & Non-crystalline materials
Winter 2008: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2008: Materials 286G
Fall 2008: Materials 265
Winter 2009: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2009: Chemistry 2C
Winter 2010: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2010: Materials 286G
Spring 2010: Ethics
Fall 2010: Materials 100A
Winter 2011: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2011: Chemistry 279
Fall 2011: Materials 100A
Winter 2012: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2012: Materials 286G
Winter 2013: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Spring 2013: Chemistry 2C
Fall 2013: Materials 100A
Winter 2014: Materials 218
Spring 2014: Materials 286G
Fall 2014: Materials 286K
Winter 2015: Materials 218
Spring 2015: Chemistry 2C
Fall 2015: Materials 100A
Winter 2016: Materials 218
Spring 2016: Materials 286G
Winter 2017: Materials 218
Spring 2017: Chemistry 2C