![]() ram seshadri: 2013 100AFall 2013: MATRL 100A: Structure and Properties ICourse text (required):Callister and Rethwisch, 8th edn: Please note that earlier editions will not work as well because of issues with problem and chapter numbering. In this quarter (Materials 100A), we cover chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14 (briefly), 18, 19 (briefly), 20, and 21. Course outline: PDFGirvetz 2128, M & W, 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm. Grading:35% for an in-class (1 h) midterm, 50% for an in-class (3 h) final, and 15% for assignments (all assignments are due in class, and must be hardcopies — email submissions are not accepted.). Ram's office hours:MRL 3008, T & W, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, or by appointment. The best times for me is after 5 pm, (except Mondays), or early morning, before 9:00 am. Walk-ins welcome. If I can't see you, I will say so.TAs:Leo Lamontagne and Anthony Rice Leo's TA discussion section and office hours:Discussion: Mondays, 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm, Phelps 1448. Office hours: Thursdays, 2nd floor of MRL, near room 2048: 4 pm to 5 pm.Anthony's TA discussion section office hours:Discussion: Wednesdays 11:00 am to 11:50 pm LSB 1101. Office hours: Tuesdays, 2nd floor of MRL, near room 2048: 5 pm to 6 pm.Resources:Look at this wikipedia page, for the Janet periodic table which, from the electronic configuration viewpoint, is more sensible than the usual Mendeleev/Moseley periodic table: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_periodic_tables A mnemonic for filling electrons in atoms (the aufbau principle): PDF This periodic table from NIST has all the electronic configurations: PDF http://www.webelements.com/physics.html is a great resource for the physical properties of elements. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk is a wonderful resource for learning the fundamentals of Materials Science, hosted at the University of Cambridge. Have you ever seen an atom? Also, here is the the associated publication from the Miao group (UCLA) in Nature. Schedule:
For material from previous quarters, please look at:Spring 2003: Materials 286C Fall 2003: Materials 225 Fall 2003: 100A Winter 2004: Chemistry 173B Winter 2004: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Fall 2004: Materials100A Winter 2005: Materials218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2005: Materials265 Fall 2005: Materials286G Winter 2006: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2006: Materials209BL Winter 2007: Materials218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2007: Materials 265 Fall 2007: Materials 100A Special stuff for 200B, 2008: Class on Soft Matter & Non-crystalline materials Winter 2008: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2008: Materials 286G Fall 2008: Materials 265 Winter 2009: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2009: Chemistry 2C Winter 2010: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2010: Materials 286G Spring 2010: Ethics Fall 2010: Materials 100A Winter 2011: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2011: Chemistry 279 Fall 2011: Materials 100A Winter 2012: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2012: Materials 286G Winter 2013: Materials 218/Chemistry 277 Spring 2013: Chemistry 2C |