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Fall 2011: MATRL 100A: Structure and Properties I

Course text (required):

Callister and Rethwisch, 8th edn: Please note that earlier editions will not work as well because of issues with problem and chapter numbering. This text will also serve for Materials 100B and Materials 100C.

In this quarter (Materials 100A), we cover chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14 (briefly), 18, 19 (briefly), 20, and 21.

Course outline: PDF

Phelps 2516, M & W, 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm.


35% for an in-class (1 h) midterm, 45% for an in-class (3 h) final, and 20% for assignments (all assignments are due in class, and must be hardcopies — email submissions are not accepted.).

Ram's office hours:

MRL 3008, M & W, 3:20 pm to 4:00 pm or by appointment.


Moureen Kemei and Cynthia Wang

Moureen's TA discussion section and office hours:

Discussion: Phelps 1417, Tuesdays, 9:30 am to 10:45 am; Office hours: MRL, outside room 2053, Thursdays from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Cynthia's TA discussion section office hours:

Discussion: Phelps 1417, Mondays, 9:30 am to 10:45 am; Office hours: MRL, outside room 2053, Fridays from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.


Look at this wikipedia page, for the Janet periodic table which, from the electronic configuration viewpoint, is more sensible than the usual Mendeleev/Moseley periodic table: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_periodic_tables

A mnemonic for filling electrons in atoms (the aufbau principle): PDF

This periodic table from NIST has all the electronic configurations: PDF


Date Description Notes and resources Assignments
M 9/26 Introduction: Classification of Materials Chapter 1 Assignment (due 10/3/2011)
W 9/28 Atomic structure, bonding Chapter 2
M 10/3 Atomic structure, bonding, structure Chapter 2,3 Assignment (due 10/10/2011)
W 10/5 Structure Chapter 3
M 10/10 Structure, diffraction (contd.) Chapter 3 Assignment (due 10/17/2011)
W 10/12 Diffraction (contd.) and imperfections Chapter 3, 4
M 10/17 Imperfections Chapter 4 Assignment (due 10/24/2011)
T 10/18 Quantum primer (PDF File) in MRL 2053 at 5:30 pm
W 10/19 Imperfections, ceramics Chapter 4, 12
M 10/24 Review for midterm, ceramics Chapter 12 Assignment (due 11/2/2011)
W 10/26 In-class midterm on chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
M 10/31 Ceramics, polymers Chapter 12 and 14
W 11/2 Polymers Chapter 14 Assignment (due 11/9/2011)
M 11/7 Electrical properties Chapter 18
W 11/9 Electrical properties Chapter 18
M 11/14 Electrical properties, optical properties Chapter 14, 21 Assignment (due 11/21/2011)
W 11/16 Optical properties Chapter 21
M 11/21 Magnetic properties Chapter 20
M 11/23 Thermal properties Chapter 19 Assignment (not due)
M 12/5 In-class final, 4 pm to 7 pm.