ram seshadri group: 2007 Materials 265

Spring 2007: MATRL 265 - Nanophase and Nanoparticulate Materials

Course outline: PDF

Phelps 1417, Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm

Ram's Office Hours (MRL 3008): T and R 1:45 pm to 2:30 pm.

Course grader: Brent Melot

Term papers

Date Name Topic
M 05/14 Allison Grandfield Block copolymer templating of nanostructures
M 05/21 Anna Ivanovskaya Transport measurements on single nanowires/nanotubes
M 05/21 John Joo Nanoparticle superlattices
W 05/23 Vincent Kispersky Nanostructured thermoelectrics
W 05/23 Serena Kwan Quantum dots and nanoparticles in solar cells
M 05/28 Yangzhong Li Methods for the production of monodisperse nanoparticles
M 05/28 Joshua Petrie Plasmonics
W 05/30 Jacob Richardson Shape control of nanoparticles
W 05/30 Tuan-Anh Truong Quantum dots by heteroepitaxy
M 06/04 Elise Nordnes Mechanical properties of nanophase materials


Date Description Resources Assignment
W 04/04 What is nano? PDF
M 04/09 Colloids PDF + hardcopy
W 04/11 Ultrathin films PDF, PDF, PDF, PDF, & DOI Assignment 1
M 04/16 Nanophase materials PDF, DOI, DOI, DOI, DOI, DOI, DOI, DOI
W 04/18 Clusters PDF, DOI, DOI, DOI Assignment 2
M 04/23 Gold Nanoparticles PDF, DOI, DOI, DOI, DOI
W 04/25 Semiconducting quantum dots PDF, DOI, DOI, DOI, PDF
M 04/30 Magnetic oxides PDF, DOI, DOI, DOI Assignment 3
W 05/2 Quantum confinement in crystalline solids PDF, DOI, DOI, DOI
M 05/7 Carbon nanotubes PDF, DOI, DOI, DOI, DOI, DOI,
W 05/9 Inorganic nanotubes PDF, DOI, DOI Assignment 4
M 05/14 Semiconductor Nanowires PDF, DOI, DOI
M 05/21 Superlattices PDF
W 05/23 Porous Si PDF, DOI, DOI
W 05/30 Presentations
M 06/04 Presentations