![]() Spring 2008: MATRL 286G: Special Topics in Inorganic Materials: Structural Families of Functional Inorganic MaterialsCourse outline: PDFEII 1335, T & R, 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm Resources:The VESTA Crystal Structure drawing package (and more): Download and install from here. This program works on all platforms. It is required for assignments. Database of some crystal structures to be found here. The cif files that can be downloaded are directly read by VESTA. A demo version of the principal database of Inorganic Crystal Structure is available at FIZ Inorganic Crystal Structure Database Space groups and symmetry information: Birbeck College SG diagrams and tables and cctbx symmetry information and SgInfo gateway Bond Valence Calculator: BondVal Structure prediction: SPuDS Faulting DIFFaX Schedule:
Presentations and Term Papers:
For material from previous quarters, please look at:
This page: http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/~seshadri/2008_286G.html