ram seshadri group: research & publications
logorrhœa, logorrhea: Excessive volubility accompanying some forms of mental illness; also gen., an excessive flow of words, prolixity. So logorrhœic, logorrhœtic adjs. OED
"Another damned, thick, square, book! Always scribble, scribble, scribble, Eh Mr. Gibbon?" (William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, upon receiving the second volume from the author, 1781)
7. Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen (The last chapter of Wittgenstein's Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung)
"What causes hesitation is the fact that, after all, Mr Wittgenstein manages to say a good deal about what cannot be said" (Russell, in his introduction to the above)
list of publications as PDF with links
By clicking on the DOI links in the PDF file, you may be able to download the paper (depending on your domain). If that does not work, please email.
pdf poster describing some of the research in the group through recent products, March 2018. Click on the image for a tabloid-sized PDF file.

pdf poster describing some of the research in the group through recent products, March 2017. Click on the image for a tabloid-sized PDF file.

pdf poster describing some of the research in the group through recent products, April 2015. Click on the image for a large (6 MB +) PDF file.

researcher ID for Ram:
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