Spring 2003: Materials 286C Special Topics: Diffraction Lab

Course Outline (PDF)

Instructor Code: 30

Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 - 3:15 pm, Phelps 1440

Labs: Thursdays, 2:00 - 5:00 pm, PSBN 4610 (Chemistry Department)

TA: Jesse Williams jwilliam@engineerin.ucsb.edu

Ram's Office hours: To be announced

Jesse's office hours: To be announced

Recommended texts (not required):

C. Giacovazzo (Ed.), Fundamentals of Crystallography, Oxford University Press, 2nd Book and CD-ROM edition 2002, (ISBN 0198509588)

George H. Stout and Lyle H. Jensen, X-ray Structure Determination, a Practical Guide, 2nd Edn (ISBN 0-471-60711-8)

G. S. Hammond, An introduction to crystallography and diffraction, Oxford University Press, 1998, (ISBN 0198559453)

Ashcroft and Mermin

Web Resources:

Kevin Cowtan's Book of Fourier (University of York, UK) LINK

Fourier Transforms from Eric Weissteins's World of Mathematics LINK

Protein Crystallography Course at Cambridge University, UK LINK

Interactive tutorial about diffraction at the University of Würzburg, Germany (where Röntgen originally discovered X-rays) LINK

Make plots of the X-ray form factors for different elements LINK

Note: Click on the date for a PDF file of material to be covered in the class. When required, I will also bring hardcopies to the class. This is indicated by an asterisk against the date.

April 2003

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May 2003

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June 2003

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