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Spring 2016: Materials 286G. Structural families of functional materials


Place and time: Engr. 1335, M & W, 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm.

Office hours: After class or by appointment.


Printable (PDF) periodic table from NIST with electronic configurations.

Interactive periodic table with effective ionic radii (Shannon-Prewitt).

The VESTA Crystal Structure drawing package (and more): Download and install from here. This program works on all platforms. It is required for assignments.

Database of some mineral crystal structures. The cif files that can be downloaded are directly read by VESTA.

A demo version of the principal database of Inorganic Crystal Structures is available at FIZ Inorganic Crystal Structure Database

CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry online (useful physical and chemical data including solid state properties). CRC Online

PDF file of bond valence parameters including the exponential bond valence relationship, and the source cif file: CIF from CCP14

Class schedule:

Date Subject, files etc
M 3/28 no class
M 3/30 no class
M 4/4R-P phases and Cu oxide superconductivity
M 4/6Perovskite manganese oxides, double exchange, CMR
Resources for the above two: Oxide structures redux | Notes on superconductivity and CMR
Some cif files: m = 1 R-P Ti oxide cif | m = 2 R-P Ti oxide cif | m = 3 R-P Ti oxide cif | m = 1 R-P Ni oxide cif | m = 2 R-P Ni oxide cif | LaMnO3 cif
Key doi and links: Bednorz-Müller Nobel Lecture | Hwang, lattice effects in Mn oxides | Strain effects in Mn oxides | Local structure in LaMnO3
M 4/11More superconductors, Hiroi talk. PDF A | PDF B |
W 4/13Polar materials 1 PDF
M 4/17 Polar materials 2 Polar 1 | Lone Pairs | elpasolites | aurivillius | Dynamic PDF
Presentation on Jahn-Teller in NaMnO2 by John and Julija: Giot et al.
W 4/20 Polar materials (finished) and Close packings: PDF
Presentation on lone pairs by Doug and Ben: Walsh and Watson | Waghmare et. al
W 4/27 Close packings, Heuslers, half-metals: PDF + Topological: PDF
Presentation on the 18 and 24 electron rules for half-Heuslers and Heuslers by Emily and Kira: Galanakis
R 4/29 Topological (contd.)
Presentation on orderings on the diamond and lonsdaleite lattice by Hayden and Clayton: Aitken and coworkers
W 5/4 Insulator-to-metal transitions: Filling and percolation: PDF
T 5/5 Insulator-to-metal transitions: Filling and percolation (contd.)
M 5/9 The Hubbard U: PDF + Frustration and ice: PDF
Presentation on rutiles and the M-I transition in VO2 by Josh and Sigrun: Hiroi
W 5/11 Charge ice: PDF
Presentation on conducting polymers and their and doping by Abel, Brian, and Molleigh: Salleo
W 5/18 Intermetallics PDF
M 5/23 Thermal transport: PDF + Thermoelectrics PDF

Final presentations:

Brian Barazza, Cu(NCN): PDF
Sophie Berg, NLO in LiNbO3: PDF
Joshua Bocarsly, Skyrmions: PDF
Brian Callaway, SiC: PDF
Clayton Cozzan, Quantum Cutting: PDF
Hayden Evans, Hybrids with Exciton Confinement: PDF
Douglas Fabini, Instabilities in solids: PDF
Abel Fernandez, Oxide-ion Conduction for SOFCs: PDF
John Goiri, Quasicrystals: PDF
Emily Levin, Magnetic Shape Memory: PDF
Molleigh Preefer, Li-S Batteries: PDF
Julija Vinckeviciute, Li-excess Cathode Materials: PDF
Kira Wyckoff, Photocatalysis: PDF