Textbook: Chemical Principles Seventh Edition, Steven S. Zumdahl and Donald J. DeCoste, Cengage 2012,
most of chapters 13, 14, 16 (solids only), 19, 18, 21, 20 (if possible), in that order.
Grading scheme: 20 % for assignments, 20 % + 20 % for the two midterms, and 40 % for the finals.
Midterm dates: Friday April 28th and Friday May 26th.
Date |
Subject, files etc |
M 4/3 |
Chapter 13: Bonding, general concepts, types of bonding, electronegativity, dipole moments, ... |
M 4/5 |
Chapter 13: Ionic interactions, Born-Haber cycle for ionic crystals, strengtsh of covalent bonds |
F 4/7 |
(Taught by Dr. Geneva Laurita) Chapter 13: Lewis structures (recap.) and VSEPR theory.
Assignment 1 (PDF file) (due Friday 14th April) |
M 4/10 |
(Taught by Dr. Geneva Laurita) Chapter 14: Orbitals and hybridization.
W 4/12 |
Chapter 14: Orbitals and hybridization. MO theory. |
F 4/14 |
Chapter 14: MO theory.
Assignment 2 (PDF file) (due Friday 21st April) |
M 4/17 |
Chapter 14: Spectroscopy. |
W 4/19 |
Chapter 14: Spectroscopy. |
F 4/21 |
Chapter 16: Solids Assignment 3 (PDF file) (due Friday 28th April) |
M 4/24 |
Chapter 16: Solids contd. [16.3 to 16.8] |
W 4/26 |
Chapter 16: Solids contd. [16.3 to 16.8] |
F 4/28 |
Midterm 1: Chapters 13 and 14 including NMR.
Assignment 4 (PDF file) (due Friday 6th April) |
M 5/1 |
Chapter 19: Transition Metals: Extraction and trends |
W 5/3 |
Chapter 19: Transition Metals: Trends and typical chemistry |
F 5/5 |
Chapter 19: Transition Metals: Coordination Compounds.
Assignment 5 (PDF file) (due Friday 13th April) |
M 5/8 |
Chapter 19: Transition Metals: d orbitals and Crystal Field Theory |
W 5/10 |
Chapter 18: The Representative Elements: Overview, H |
F 5/12 |
Chapter 18: The Representative Elements: Li group, Be group, B group.
Assignment 6 (PDF file) (due Friday 19th April) |
M 5/15 |
Chapter 18: The Representative Elements: C, and N groups. |
F 5/19 |
Chapter 18: The Representative Elements: O, F, and He groups.
Assignment 7 (PDF file) (due Friday 26th April) |
M 5/22 |
Chapter 21: Organic Chemistry: Alkanes, nomenclature, isomerism
Template for a C60 molecular model |
W 5/24 |
Chapter 21: Organic Chemistry: alkenes, alkynes, functional groups,... |
F 5/26 |
Midterm 2: Chapters 16 and 19. |
W 5/31 |
Chapter 21: Organic Chemistry: functional groups,... |
F 6/2 |
Chapter 21: Finish functional groups, discuss polymers, biological molecules |
M 6/5 |
Chapter 21: Biological molecules and review |
W 6/7 |
More review |
F 6/9 |
Final review |