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ram seshadri: 2015 100A

Text: W. D. Callister and D. G. Rethwisch, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th Edition, Wiley, 2014.

Link: Text on the web.

Link: Outline of the course and description.


1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Grading. Assignments: 15%; Midterm: 35%; Final: 50%

Place and time: Mondays & Wednesday 3:30 pm to 4:45 am Broida 1640

Office hours: After class on Wednesdays at MRL 3008.


  • Joshua Bocarsly, Materials. email: jdbocarsly@mrl.ucsb.edu
  • Thomas Drtina, Materials. email: emilylevin@mrl.ucsb.edu
  • Kelsey Jorgensen, Materials. email: kelseyjorgensen@umail.ucsb.edu
  • Emily Levin, Materials. email: tdrtina@umail.ucsb.edu
  • Resources:

    Link: Printable (PDF) periodic table from NIST with electronic configurations. You so need this !

    Kelsey's guide to labeling points, directions, and planes in crystals.

    Class schedule:

    Date Subject, files etc
    M 9/28 Class 01 and Nakamura Nobel
    W 9/30 Class 02: Chapter 2 on atomic structure and bonding. Assignment 1 Please note: Sign correction in Problem 9 +
    M 10/5 Class 03: Completing Chapter 2. Starting Chapter 3 on the structure of crystalline solids.
    W 10/7 Class 04: Chapter 3 on the structure of crystalline solids. Assignment 2 +
    M 10/12 Class 05: Chapter 3 on the structure of crystalline solids.
    W 10/14 Class 06: Finish Chapter 3, Start Chapter 4. Assignment 3 +
    M 10/19 Class 07: Chapter 4, defects
    M 10/19 YouTube of "Have You Ever Seen Atoms" + The article in Nature
    W 10/21 Class 08: Chapter 12, more complex structures. Assignment 4 +
    M 10/26 Class 09: Chapter 12
    W 10/28 Class 10: Chapter 14: Polymers. Assignment 5 +
    M 11/2 Class 11: Chapter 14: Polymers (contd.)
    W 11/4 Class 12: Review for midterm + Chapter 18: Electrical Properties
    M 11/9 In-class midterm + Assignment 6 + >
    M 11/16 Class 13: Chapter 18: Electrical Properties
    W 11/18 Class 14: Chapter 21: Optical Properties (taught by Dr. Vicky Doan-Nguyen) + Assignment 7 +
    M 11/23 Class 15: Chapter 18: Electrical Properties (continued, and finished).
    M 11/30 Class 19: Thermal properties + Self-Assignment 8 + >
    Notes from the Review Session

    For material from previous quarters, please look at:

    Winter 2003: Materials/218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2003: Materials 286C
    Fall 2003: Materials 225
    Fall 2003: 100A
    Winter 2004: Chemistry 173B
    Winter 2004: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Fall 2004: Materials100A
    Winter 2005: Materials218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2005: Materials265
    Fall 2005: Materials286G
    Winter 2006: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2006: Materials209BL
    Winter 2007: Materials218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2007: Materials 265
    Fall 2007: Materials 100A
    Special stuff for 200B, 2008: Class on Soft Matter & Non-crystalline materials
    Winter 2008: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2008: Materials 286G
    Fall 2008: Materials 265
    Winter 2009: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2009: Chemistry 2C
    Winter 2010: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2010: Materials 286G
    Spring 2010: Ethics
    Fall 2010: Materials 100A
    Winter 2011: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2011: Chemistry 279
    Fall 2011: Materials 100A
    Winter 2012: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2012: Materials 286G
    Winter 2013: Materials 218/Chemistry 277
    Spring 2013: Chemistry 2C
    Fall 2013: Materials 100A
    Winter 2014: Materials 218
    Spring 2014: Materials 286G
    Fall 2014: Materials 286K
    Winter 2015: Materials 218
    Spring 2015: Chemistry 2C