ram seshadri: Winter 2020, Materials 218/Chemistry 277
Time and Place: T R 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm, Phelps 1417
Office hours: After class (T R 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm) or by appointment.
Kira Wyckoff (kira -at- mrl -dot- ucsb -edu-) is the reader for the course. Please email her to set up appointments if needed.
Suggested reference for the earlier parts of the class: Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction (4th Edn.), C. Hammond, Oxford IUCr (any edition).
International Tables for Crystallography Volume A: Space-group symmetry
Printable (PDF) periodic table from NIST with electronic configurations. Please keep a printout with you.Plane group sketcher (requires Java): "escher"
Gorgeous wikipedia page on Wallpaper (2D) groups.
Interactive periodic table with effective ionic Shannon-Prewitt) radii, hosted locally.
The VESTA Crystal Structure drawing package (and more): Download and install from here. This program works on all platforms. It is required for assignments.
Database of some mineral crystal structures. The cif files that can be downloaded are directly read by VESTA.
A demo version of the principal database of Inorganic Crystal Structures is available at FIZ Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry online (useful physical and chemical data including solid state properties). CRC Online
PDF file of bond valence parameters including the exponential bond valence relationship, and the source cif file: CIF from CCP14
Class schedule:
Date | Subject, files etc |
T 1/7 | Crystal Structures of Simple and Complex Oxides |
R 1/9 | Finish Oxide structures and then Symmetry |
T 1/14 | Symmetry in 2D and 3D and Shubnikov symmetry (handouts provided) + Assignment 1 |
Please print out and bring to class SpaceGroups1 and SpaceGroups2 (the password is the usual answer in lower case) | |
R 1/16 | Crystal structures 1: PDF |
T 1/21 | Crystal structures 2: PDF + Assignment 2 |
R 1/23 | Finish 2, and Crystal structures 3: PDF |
R 1/23 | 5:00 pm, MRL 2048: Optional Hands-on VESTA tutorial. Bring laptops (if posssible) with VESTA installed. |
T 1/28 | Non-crystalline structures PDF +
Handout Papers (DOI): Colloids: Lekkerkerker, CRN: Zachariasen, RCP: Duwez, Quasicrystals: Mackay + Schecthman + Jannsen + Tsai |
Assignment 3 + CuO.cif + NbO.cif | |
Review describing the compositional ubiquity of the ReO3 structure. | |
R 1/30 | Finish non-crystalline structures |
R 2/6 | Cohesion 1: PDF |
T 2/11 | Cohesion 1 continued. |
R 2/13 | No class (illness of instructor). |
T 2/18 | Cohesion 2: PDF + Leo's guide to bands and k: PDF + Assignment 4 |
R 2/20 | Cohesion 2 (continued) |
T 2/25 | Cohesion 2 (continued) + Cohesion 3, PDF + Some electronic structures: PDF + Assignment 5 |
R 2/27 | Magnetism |
T 3/03 | Finish magnetism + Polar Materials |
R 3/05 | Finish magnetism + Polar Materials |
T 3/10 | Superconductivty and CMR: PDF |
A brief guide to insulator-to-metal transitions (useful for finals) |