The innovation engine for new materials

Cinthya Luna

Cinthya Luna




Christian Pester

Faculty Sponsor(s): 

Craig J Hawker

Faculty Sponsor's Department(s): 


Project Title: 

Light Mediated Photo Polymerization of Antifouling Brushes

Project Description: 

Biofouling is a problem in today’s society, large accumulation of bio organisms attach themselves onto ship hulls and reduce the ships strength and economically affect companies through drag related fuel consumption. Polymer brushes can be used for antifouling and fouling release purposes to alleviate this matter. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of polymer brush architectures can target different organisms and prevent the adhesion of organisms to occur onto ship hulls. Different ratios of hydrophobic and hydrophilic monomers will be synthesized and experimented on to further understand the functionality of antifouling and fouling release. Light mediated photo polymerization was used to promote the growth of polymer brushes. A direct relationship between monomer reactivity and light intensity allowed control over spatial composition. Chemical properties were then determined using a range of techniques such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), filmetrics, and tensiometry. We focused on PEGMA (polyethylene glycol methacrylate) as our hydrophilic monomer and TFEMA (triflouroethyl methacrylate) as our hydrophobic monomer. Different ratios of PEGMA and TFEMA were synthesized and studied to further apprehend antifouling and fouling release brushes.