The Summer and Academic Year Research Programs provide research experiences to CAMP eligible students. Interns work in a UCSB laboratory with a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher mentor. In addition to research, interns participate in professional development workshops and seminars. Interns present their research at the end of the programs.
Summer Research Program
The Summer Research Program provides a 9 week intensive research experience for CAMP eligible students interested in a career in science, engineering, technology or mathematics. Graduate student and postdoctoral researcher mentors provide one-on-one training and support for the research project. In addition to research, the interns also participate in weekly group meetings to develop oral presentation skills, attend special seminars and present their results at an end-of-summer poster session. Students also present their research at the statewide CAMP symposium the year after completing their internship.
Internship Awards:
- The Summer CAMP program will run from June 17 - August 16, 2024.
- Internships will be awarded in all areas of science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
- The stipend for undergraduate interns is $5,000 total for 9 weeks at 35 hrs/week.
Summer 2024 CAMP Application deadline is Monday, February 12, 2024
Academic Year Research Program
The Academic year research program provides research support for students involved in research at UCSB during the school year. Interns receive research training from graduate student and postdoctoral researcher mentors on a specified research project. In addition to research, interns participate in 3-4 professional development workshop during the quarter. Students present their research at the intern symposium at the end of each quarter.
Internship Awards:
- The Academic year CAMP program will run quarterly during the school year.
- Internships will be awarded in all areas of science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
- The stipend for undergraduate interns varies depending on the level of commitment identified by the intern each quarter and ranges between $500 and $1000.
Application deadlines for 2023-2024 school year:
Fall Quarter: Monday, October 9th, 2023
Winter Quarter: Monday, January 15th, 2024
Spring Quarter: Monday, April 8th, 2024
For questions about the CAMP Research Internship programs, please email the CAMP Coordinator, CAMP [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu.