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Project Title:
Project Description:
NdNiO3 is of particular interest for next-generation electronic device applications as a model for systems with sharp metal-insulator transitions (MITs) near room temperature. However, electronic characterization of the system has been problematic due to a “drift” effect in the resistance of the material during the finite phase transition. In this temperature regime, competing metallic and insulating domains settle to thermodynamic equilibrium when a temperature is set. This results in an increasing/decreasing resistance over time if the system was previously at a lower/higher temperature. The timescale of these percolations is on the timescale of hours, excluding temperature drift in the apparatus as the cause. 16.5 nm thin films of NdNiO3 have been grown on (001)-oriented LaAlO3 substrates by radio-frequency (RF) Magnetron Sputtering. The films have been structurally characterized by x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscopy (STEM) and found to be epitaxial, pure-phase, and coherently strained to the LaAlO3 substrate. Transport characterization confirms a sharp, bulk-like metal-insulator transition near TMIT =100K, and a hysteretic behavior with temperature. Hall measurements corrected for the resistive “drift effect” indicate that NdNiO3 transitions from a p-type metal to an n-type insulator across TMIT. However, Seebeck measurements taken in the metallic regime have negative values, suggesting n-type conduction. As Seebeck measurements favor higher energy bands, the results suggest NdNiO3 to be a multi-band carrier system, with both electron and hole conduction in the metallic regime.