The innovation engine for new materials

Akira McDaniels

Akira McDaniels, Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara




Sid Goyal
Pradeep Joshi

Faculty Sponsor(s): 

Joel Rothman

Faculty Sponsor's Department(s): 

Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology

Project Title: 

Inherited Lifespan in C. Elegans

Project Description: 

Organisms undergo numerous changes throughout their lifetime; as these changes accumulate with organism age, they can affect the potential offspring’s health and lifespan for several generations. In our study we examine Caenorhibiditis Elegans (C. Elegans), self-fertilizing nematodes which are well established models for aging research, to simulate how parental aging affects offspring lifespan. Understanding how parental aging affects offspring lifespan in C. Elegans can provide insight on how aging effect human and animal offspring health.