Faculty Sponsor(s):
Faculty Sponsor's Department(s):
Project Title:
Project Description:
Coal Oil Point, an active marine seep field in the Santa Barbara Basin releases methane, ethane, propane, and butane into the water column. These gases dissolve into the water column to form underwater plumes that fuel microbial consumption. Using real time tracking techniques of the dissolved hydrocarbon plume, samples were collected for microbial consumption rates. These rate measurements track microbial metabolism using isotopically labeled hydrocarbon. Microbes oxidize hydrocarbons to CO2 and water, thus the isotopically labeled tracer can be tracked by measuring the products. Quantifying these products allows us to calculate an oxidation rate by measuring the amount of product produced per time. By determining the oxidation rate throughout the Coal Oil Point plume, estimates of these greenhouse hydrocarbons released to the atmosphere will be determined.