Grade Level:
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Research Project Year:
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Research Project Description:
The science learning sequence (SLS) is designed to enhance science learning by leveraging technology, promoting learner agency, and modeling the scientific research process. The SLS is intended to be a template for any science teacher to use both during distance learning and once we return to the classroom. It follows a 5E model and adheres to the Next Generation Science Standards, in this specific example for the Chemistry in the Earth Systems course. The SLS begins with a teacher-made video to prompt surprising data collection, followed by an introductory video from a graduate student, and a closing video from the same graduate student. These graduate student videos are intended to introduce students into scientific research by connecting with real people applying cross cutting concepts (CCC) in meaningful ways and see themselves engaging in this same process in the classroom. Guided research, lab experiences, data analysis, metacognition, and sharing of knowledge are structured through free easy to use technology such as padlet, edpuzzle, google suites, peardeck, and flipgrid. In each step of the SLS, learner agency is promoted by giving students voice and choice in what questions to answer, where and how to find those answers, and what tools will best showcase their learning while providing structure to successfully complete the learning sequence. In this model ongoing teacher feedback, iterative documents, formative assessments, peer feedback, and interventions are crucial to support student learning. The goal is to actively engage students in the science and engineering practices (SEP) and contextualize learning utilizing a diverse representation of STEM graduate students and professionals engaged in this same type of learning sequence in their careers. FOR CURRICULUM RESOURCES PLEASE VISIT THIS PAGE.