The innovation engine for new materials

Luke Balhorn


Materials Science and Engineering


University of Minnesota, Twin Cities


Jaye Harada

Faculty Sponsor(s): 

Ram Seshadri

Faculty Sponsor's Department(s): 

Materials Research Laboratory

Project Title: 

Magnetocapacitance and Phenomena near Transition Temperatures in Ilmenites and Trirutiles

Project Description: 

Magnetocapacitance is a probe property for promising magnetoelectric materials, which may prove useful for next-generation data storage technologies.  This work aims to expand the known library of magnetoelectric materials by characterizing ilmenite and trirutile structures including CoTiO3, NiTiO3, CoTa2O6, CoNb2O6, and CoSb2O6.  Samples were prepared through solid state synthesis and densified by spark plasma sintering, followed by annealing in air.  The samples were characterized using a capacitance bridge with a physical properties measurement system (PPMS) and a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer to identify magnetic transition temperatures and determine the size of the magnetoelectric effect.  The magnetic field dependence of capacitance in CoTiO3 changes significantly near its magnetic ordering temperature, suggesting that multiple mechanisms influence its magnetoelectric effect.  Both CoTiO­3 and CoTa2O6 show the largest magnetocapacitance near the magnetic ordering temperature.   Alongside experimental work, we examine broad trends in published magnetoelectric data through data mining.