The innovation engine for new materials

Laura Mudge


Olive Grove Charter School

Grade Level: 

High School

Teaching Position: 

High School Earth Science, Biology and Chemistry. K-8 General Science


Galen Stucky




Tracy Chuong

Research Project Year: 


Research Project Title: 

Functionalization of Protein Binding Gold Nanoparticles

Research Project Description: 

Functionalization of nanoparticles with protein binding, single strand DNA or RNA (nucleic acid sequence) aptamers has potential biological applications for detection of pathogens before the organism is negatively affected.  Without early detection, pathogens are able to multiply and damage biological components of an organism.  If pathogens can be detected and immobilized early enough, organisms remain healthy and illness free.  Nanoparticles functionalized with aptamers that detect single proteins can be created in vitro, as opposed to in vivo, as is the current procedure for antibody detection mechanisms.  Nucleic acid aptamer sequences can be created and utilized in less time than in vivo mechanisms and also have the potential for reducing false negative/ false positive results that antibody-reading errors produce.  In these experiments, the aptamers were attached to gold nanoparticles, which are used to take advantage of the increased energy spikes that occur between metals when DNA aptamers come in contact with the proteins to be detected.  When tagged with fluorescent markers, the target proteins are more accurately detected with the enhanced fluorescent excitation that occurs between the metallic gold surfaces.  To enhance protein detection, gold nanoparticles must be optimally functionalized with the nucleic acid aptamers (the greater the number of aptamers attached to each gold nanoparticle = the greater the protein binding and detection).  The current research involves creating an assay to quantify nanoparticle aptamer functionalization rates.  After quantifying aptamer functionalization rates, the goal is to increase this functionalization rate for optimum aptamer binding on the gold nanoparticle surface, producing enhanced protein detection.  

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