The innovation engine for new materials

Danielle Cortes


Ocean View Junior High School

Grade Level: 

Junior High

Teaching Position: 



Jacob Israelachvili


Chemical Engineering


Toru Yatsue

Research Project Year: 


Research Project Title: 

Molecular friction of the perflouropolyether lubricant

Research Project Description: 

To improve hard drive performance, the revolution of the disks is rising to 10,000 rpm for faster data transfer and the head-disk spacing is decreasing to less than 20nm in order to attain more memory capacity. Lubricants in the hard drive are designed to protect the disk and the head from wear. Polymer lubricants must be only a few molecules thick and at the same time must adhere in order to prevent spin-off caused by revolution. It has been shown that with high molecular weight lubricants, spin-off is reduced. The project focused on the molecular weight effect of the polymer on friction. The Surface Forces Apparatus (SFA) was used to explore the molecular friction of the perflouropolyether lubricant which has been synthesized and molecular weight diffracted for the hard drives.

Curriculum Project Year: 


Curriculum Project Title: 

Using SDAIE Strategies to Bolster Student Success

Curriculum Project Attachments: 

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