The innovation engine for new materials

Graduate Research Fellowship Awardees and Honorable Mentions for 2016

April 2016
Congratulations to MRL students who are Graduate Research Fellowship Awardees and Honorable Mentions for 2016.
Clockwise from back left: 
Joshua Bocarsly (Materials Graduate Student): NSF GRF.
Joseph Mann (CCS-Chemistry Undergraduate): NSF GRF and NDSEG Fellowship. Going to Stanford for Graduate School.
Claire Hébert (CCS-Physics Undergraduate): NSF GRF and DOE CSEGF. Going to Stanford for Graduate School.
Douglas Fabini (Materials Graduate Student): NSF GRF.
Elayne Thomas (Materials Graduate Student): NSF Honorable Mention.
Emily Levin (Materials Graduate Student): NSF Honorable Mention.
Molleigh Preefer (Chemistry Graduate Student): NSF Honorable Mention. 
Yvonne Diaz (Chemistry Graduate Student): NSF GRF.