The innovation engine for new materials

Stephen Ryan

Stephen Ryan


Santa Barbara High School

Grade Level: 

High School

Teaching Position: 



Toni Cheetham


Material Research Lab


Crystal Merrill

Research Project Year: 


Research Project Title: 

Inorganic-Organic hybrid materials with a network using carboxylic acids as the connections between metal ions /metal ion clusters.

Research Project Description: 

My research consisted of creating inorganic-organic hybrid materials with a network using carboxylic acids as the connections between metal ions/metal ion clusters. The purpose was to utilize single or heterogeneous phase reactions in aqueous media at elevated temperatures and pressure in order to crystallize inorganic and organic hybrids. In my efforts at making crystals I used three different synthesis methods, which were Hydrothermal, Solution Chemistry, and Solvothermal Biphasic processes. I used these three methods to conduct experiments on three separate projects.

Research Project Attachments: 

Curriculum Project Year: 


Curriculum Project Title: 

Rocks in Your Head

Curriculum Project Description: 

The purpose of this project was to translate my research experience from RET I into a curriculum resource called: “Rocks in your Head.” In RET I, tried to utilize single or heterogeneous phase reactions in aqueous media at elevated temperatures and pressure (variables), in order to crystallize inorganic and organic hybrid crystals.

I am translating my research into my Earth Science curriculum by teaching science through problem solving in the form of internet research projects and lab activities. To solve problems, I want student to understand the variables that consist within the problem. I will be using technology (computers), to help student’s link prior knowledge, and by integrating reading and writing in the form of scientific letters to increase student’s literacy skills for solving problems.

Curriculum Project Attachments: 

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