"No child left out of STEM: STEM and NGSS for Science Teachers"
Workshop Material:
MRL Research Experience for Teachers (RET) teacher-intern presentations
(for all curriculum materials please visit these teachers' web pages and scroll down to the bottom)
Catherine Borgard: The Carbon Cycle: Biological Processes to Societal Implications
Brendan Carroll: To Boldly Go . . . and Return! Destination: Space - Elementary Lessons Designed to inspire young Engineers
Megan Cotich: Synthetic Biology: Breaking it Down and Putting it Back Together
Megan Nesland: Nanotechnology: What’s the Big Deal with the World’s Smallest Technology?
Other sessions:
MRL Outreach Powerpoint on bio-inspired robotics and syringe powered hydraulic robots (21.5MB)
Detailed syringe powered hydraulic robot instructions
ManyLabs' project Louisville Air Quality measuring stations project information and data
CircuitScribe information.
3d prints available for loan (you are responsible for return shipping charges, kinnaman [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (email) for details): MRL block copolymer materials, Digimorph series animal skulls, kinase and ATP concepts, and Taung child, among others.
Animated TED talk further discussing parasite-host interactions (subject of Kevin Lafferty's talk)
TED talk further discussing the "Marshmallow Challenge" (a subject of Danielle Harlow's talk)