The innovation engine for new materials

FLAM Summer Application

All participants are required to apply online. Please complete the application form below. If you have no information for a given field, please enter "n/a" to indicate a null value. Please click the Submit key when done.

 We recommend using Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.

To avoid potential loss of data, we recommend completing your reponses in a word file and pasting your answers onto this form.

Please select one. You must be a US Citizen or permanent resident to participate in FLAM.
Enter quarter/semester and year
It's OK to say you don't have any
If you did transfer from a Community College, please list Community College Name. [Enter "NA" if this does not apply to you]
This information is optional, but is requested for future reporting to the National Science Foundation. Please select NA if you choose not to answer.
Ethnicity (Please check all that apply)
If you chose "Other", please specify.
If yes, please explain.
Please list all relevant coursework that you have completed or are currently taking: [1000 character word count limit]
Please describe your experience in working with computers. If you have programming skills, please be specific.
Please give a brief description of your work experience. We are interested in ALL kinds of jobs, including non-scientific and unpaid (volunteer work)
Do you have experience working with technical equipment or tools? This includes lab equipment as well as shop equipment. Please explain
UC Faculty
Please go to the MRL, College of Engineering, or other UCSB websites and identify 3 or 4 faculty UC Santa Barbara who do research that interests you. Please note, this does not guarentee placement with your chosen faculty member, but helps us place you with a lab that matches your interests.



Only complete applications will be considered for selection.

Email or Postmark the following documents to Dr. Julie Standish:
• Statement of Interest
• Copy of your unofficial transcript
• Letter of Recommendation
• Resume

Submit documentation to:
Dr. Julie Standish
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5121
Fax: (805) 893-7808