![Title Bar](titlebar.jpg)
ram seshadri group: functional inorganic materials
our research at the interface of physics, chemistry, and materials science, is focused on the crystal chemistry, and crystal-structure — property relations in functional inorganic materials. Functionality of interest include phosphors, magnetics, thermoelectrics, ferroics, photovoltaics, and redox-activity (for battery applications). A unifying theme in almost every aspect of our work is the compositional tuning of the properties of extended solids through solid solution; sometimes referred to (by us) as the game of x, as, for example, in La2–xSrxCuO4. Please select the research and publications page from the menu above to find out more.
If you would like to see some videos of UC Santa Barbara and descriptions of labs and research (prepared for 2021 Graduate Recruitment) please take a look at our Vimeo site: vimeo.com/ramseshadri
![Group, April 2024](RSGroup-20240409-Small.jpg)
The group, on a sunny April 2024 day. Front (L–R): Dr. Matthew Wright, Aditya Chezhiyan, Amelia Reach>, Ashlea Patterson, Ram. 2nd row up: (L–R): Linus Kautzsch, Aurland Watkins, Dr. Alexandra Brumberg. 3rd row up: (L–R): Dr. Juan Chamorro, Farnaz Kaboudvand, Enrique Moya, Haowen Tian, Jiale Huang, Alex Bologna. Back: (L–R): Dr. Arava Zohar, David Liu, Justin Mayer, Dr. Tianyu Li, Anya Mulligan.
For an archive of group pictures since 2005, please see: here (large file)
Ram's CV PDF and publications PDF
Figures and Typesetting Seminar by Chris Bates and Ram Seshadri, September 2, 2022: PDF of the presentation from Chris & PDF of the presentation from Ram
Poster describing some group activities and products (April 2015) PDF (6MB)
events, happenings, tutorials:Simple instructions for preparing graphics for presentations
and publication: Version of tweeted May 2020.
Preparing Figures for presentations and publication: Version of
February 2020.
Preparing Figures for presentations and publication: Version of June 2019.
Talking points (PDF) associated with a mini Faculty Development workshop run at the UCSB MRL on April 25, 2019 by Ram with Professor Omar Saleh.
Tutorial Talk (PDF) given June 2018 at the Materials Innovation Factory at the University of Liverpool.
![NASSCC Logo](NASSCC-Logo.png)
The 2017 North American Solid State Chemistry Conference was held at UC Santa Barbara, August 16th through 19th, hosted by the Seshadri research group. Here is the high-resolution photograph of the entire group.
Preparing Figures for presentations and publication: Version of August 2018.
Andrew McGuan's website with useful python scripts developed for the group.
A short guide to using LaTeX for scholarly publication, with the bonus of some random thoughts on paper-writing.
Oxides 2014: Workshop and mini-school August 2014 at UCSB. Group Photo
Taking the leap: Preparing for a career in academia —
A compilaton of talking points
Craig Hawker and Ram Seshadri, August 6, 2013, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, ESB 1001
2013 ICMR Summer School on Materials in 3D: Modeling and Imaging at Multiple Length Scales:
PDF Flier and
Website for applications.
2013 NSF Materials Genome Initiative Workshop, February 21 and 22, 2013.
Here is a write-up in the American Ceramics Society Bulletin.
Primer and
by Professor
Roger Pynn
of IU on neutron scattering. And here is the same
Primer in Korean.
Former undergraduate intern Stephanie Moffit, now a graduate students in the Materials program at Northwestern, was profiled in the Fall 2012 issue of Convergence, the magazine of science and engineering at UCSB.
Ram speaking at the 2012 NSF IGERT annual meeting (Video) on the topic of solid state lighting.
Here is a short YouTube clip of Ram describing the general goals of the research being carried out, and why UCSB is nice (in addition to the climate and the location).
The Journal of Materials Chemistry has a blog that profiled Ram in 2012.
ICMR Summer School (August 2012) on Inorganic Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage: Posting of the PDF files of available talks.
ICMR Summer School (August 2012) on Inorganic Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage: Web
Summer Symposium on Chemistry and Physics of Functional Materials, Tuesday July 26th, 2011.
NSF-sponsored workshop on Materials by Design, March 17th to 19th, 2011.
Research Ethics (2 h seminar for graduate students, organized by the UCSB Office of Research): PDF
Summer School on Preparative Strategies in Solid State and Materials Chemistry: PDF and Web
UCSB Materials Colloquium April 16, 2010: Phosphors and Catalysts
Preparing figures for publications and presentations: PDF
Superconductivity talk to summer interns, June 2009: 5.6 M PDF file
Ecole Polytechnique Tutorial, January 2009 15 M PDF file
ICMR-ICMS Summer School, Bangalore, December 2008 Characterizing oxides with low cation substitution (PDF)
RET, Summer 2008: John Gonzalez and Keri Santos build levitating vehicles + PDF + movie
International Workshop on Synthesis of Functional Oxide Materials, August 2007 (Group Pic)
Nanomagnetism (PDF) tutorial talk at the ICMR-ICYS Summer School in Tsukuba, July 26, 2007.
Fall MRS 2006, Symposium QQ: Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials
FestSchrift Symposium for Tony Cheetham, April 6 and 7, 2006
ICMR Summer School: Porous Materials, July 31 to August 12, 2006
ICMR Summer School: Topics in Biomaterials, August 7 to August 20, 2005
Glassmaking: Daniel Shoemaker demonstrating borate glassmaking, and Srini Thimmaiah demonstrating working with vitreous silica. This was for schoolteachers from SB county.
Magnetism, an Old Phenomena with New Suprises: Watch Ram on UC TV (YouTube). This is a nearly hour-long recording.
since 2008, Ram has been serving as a Member of the Editorial Committee of Annual Reviews of Materials Research, and started serving as Associate Editor in January 2019.
![Annual Reviews logo](ARMR-logo.png)
and please check out, the wonderful free magazine that Annual Reviews Inc. brings out for the lay public, frequently based on content from the different journals: Knowable Magazine.
![KnowableMagazine logo](KnowableLogo.png)
since 2014, Ram has been serving as an Associate Editor (and an Executive Editor since 2022) of Chemistry of Materials.
![Chemistry of Materials Logo](CM-ACS.png)
support for our work comes from the National Science Foundation's Division of Materials Research, and from the Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, in addition to industrial sponsors. Two centers that support our work are the:
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center |
SCALAR EFRC Centered at UCLA |
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Ram Seshadri, Fred and Linda R. Wudl Professor of Materials ScienceDirector, Materials Research Laboratory: An NSF MRSEC
Distinguished Professor
Materials Department
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Room 3008 Materials Research Laboratory
University of California, Santa Barbara CA 93106-5121
Phone: (805) 893 6129 Fax: (805) 893 8797
email: seshadri@mrl.ucsb.edu web: http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/~seshadri
fair use policy:
Please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use. Starting from when the group was in Bangalore (1999—2002), we have made a number of resources — particularly those associated with the teaching of materials science — freely available on our website(s). Please feel free to make use of this material. However, please retain the original attributions, especially when images are re-used. Also, if you use the contents of this website in any significant way for teaching or mentoring, do drop Ram a note.